City of Fort Collins
Infographics and Map
Bike Map Infographics and Map
Working twith the then City Bike Coordinator David "DK" Kemp (a newly appointed position) Xplore.Design designed an updated and improved bike map, including safety infographics, for the now-Platinum rated community of the CIty of Fort Collins, Colorado. The ongoing map design contributed significantly to the CIty's climbing the ranks from unlisted, to Bronze, to Gold, to the city's 2013 designation as a Platinum Bicycle Friendly Community by the League of American Bicyclists....a rank it still holds as of 2019.
Featuring an updated color scheme to de-emphasise regular city streets and highlight the bike/predestrian paths, the designated shared roadways with bike lanes for both low and high-speed traffic routes, bike facilities, repair stations and bike retailers, and cyclist prohibit routes. The printed map paved the way for an eventual migration into an ESRI/GIS online implementation.
Complex information
Navigation and Route Finding